China >> Trade Intensity Index >> Tobacco 240110
This application gives you a readymade list of top five of the performance of major countries for all the products on importance of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer in the world for the concerned region.

After having identified the major existing markets and the potential ones, the right export market based on TII is to analyze the trends in these countries. For this purpose two kinds of trends have been analyzed (i) trend in exports from GMS country to these markets and (ii) trend in imports from the World into these markets.

When you selected menu/icon of TII of any country and put mouse over each Bar Chart in different colour, it will show the data of product name, year and TII value. In the table below, viewer can see lists of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer on specific product which selected based on top product analysis.
The result shown can be described according to the situation below ;
Situation Exports from GMS country Imports from the World Interpretation
Situation 1 Rising Rising Best combination
Situation 2 Rising Declining Understanding that the import demand in these markets is declining, GMS exporter should consider diversifying from these markets to newer ones.
Situation 3 Declining Rising Understanding that the import demand in these markets is rising, GMS exporter should consider diversifying into these markets.
Situation 4 Declining Declining Worst combination
Check the TII of the top products from China

Existing Exporter (EEx) of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: Tobacco (240110)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
China's Export into market World Product's Export into market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Existing Exporters
Belgium 2008 75,137 77,945 407,280 1,020,890 2.42
2009 93,587 96,811 582,454 1,201,300 1.99
2010 81,249 100,791 504,535 1,231,710 1.97
2011 90,216 96,749 550,480 1,333,700 2.26
2012 98,354 103,847 497,333 1,268,940 2.42
Egypt 2009 32,838 35,391 23,000 242,398 9.78
2010 13,824 16,382 130,205 363,658 2.36
2011 29,524 34,846 106,175 447,300 3.57
2012 25,729 29,521 126,474 521,441 3.59
2008 20,180 21,764 24,628 279,895 10.54
Hong Kong 2009 34,674 150,088 73,343 588,247 1.85
2010 55,139 184,781 76,756 624,232 2.43
2011 53,259 201,348 95,541 713,874 1.98
2012 31,338 232,630 116,046 828,393 0.96
2008 35,571 136,363 83,877 603,905 1.88
Indonesia 2009 112,578 127,086 284,054 365,770 1.14
2010 154,344 180,745 369,058 470,538 1.09
2011 220,387 254,633 498,301 591,717 1.03
2012 233,311 279,009 646,473 765,562 0.99
2008 110,895 126,431 327,922 401,441 1.07
Philippines 2010 25,624 43,369 117,002 127,984 0.65
2011 21,630 45,875 143,698 166,634 0.55
2012 32,328 58,267 132,967 165,663 0.69
2008 32,161 45,679 207,595 217,636 0.74
2009 30,131 42,390 189,913 199,457 0.75
Potential Importer of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: Tobacco (240110)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
Top importers from the World World Product's Import from market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Potential Importers
Germany 2008 13,514 14,981 847,004 2,012,390 2.14
2009 15,476 20,112 966,130 2,444,050 1.95
2010 29,378 35,402 972,932 2,093,920 1.79
2011 10,073 10,399 1,103,340 2,911,360 2.56
2012 10,279 10,696 975,256 2,382,820 2.35
Netherlands 2009 3,590 9,407 744,818 1,408,980 0.72
2010 11,029 16,206 743,086 1,432,220 1.31
2011 8,641 13,662 820,684 2,024,790 1.56
2012 5,775 12,746 821,503 1,870,270 1.03
2008 5,044 9,553 583,694 1,378,660 1.25
Poland 2009 3,016 4,165 313,275 438,879 1.01
2010 11,920 15,016 382,954 563,279 1.17
2011 5,467 6,677 426,496 636,507 1.22
2012 11,523 12,077 419,717 597,167 1.36
2008 3,976 4,648 251,758 403,106 1.37
Russia 2009 6,286 12,169 981,262 1,215,170 0.64
2010 4,594 12,918 966,434 1,207,210 0.44
2011 14,957 19,238 1,091,760 1,300,300 0.93
2012 13,107 15,533 1,098,870 1,295,200 0.99
2008 5,262 9,078 917,917 1,199,330 0.76
United States 2010 3,287 6,714 699,842 1,455,560 1.02
2011 2,013 6,052 757,182 1,568,540 0.69
2012 4,553 8,855 956,471 1,872,040 1.01
2008 5,756 9,017 823,210 1,509,080 1.17
2009 6,851 10,627 899,322 1,614,090 1.16
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