Laos >> Trade Intensity Index >> White Charcoal 4402
This application gives you a readymade list of top five of the performance of major countries for all the products on importance of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer in the world for the concerned region.

After having identified the major existing markets and the potential ones, the right export market based on TII is to analyze the trends in these countries. For this purpose two kinds of trends have been analyzed (i) trend in exports from GMS country to these markets and (ii) trend in imports from the World into these markets.

When you selected menu/icon of TII of any country and put mouse over each Bar Chart in different colour, it will show the data of product name, year and TII value. In the table below, viewer can see lists of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer on specific product which selected based on top product analysis.
The result shown can be described according to the situation below ;
Situation Exports from GMS country Imports from the World Interpretation
Situation 1 Rising Rising Best combination
Situation 2 Rising Declining Understanding that the import demand in these markets is declining, GMS exporter should consider diversifying from these markets to newer ones.
Situation 3 Declining Rising Understanding that the import demand in these markets is rising, GMS exporter should consider diversifying into these markets.
Situation 4 Declining Declining Worst combination
Check the TII of the top products from Laos

Existing Exporter (EEx) of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: White Charcoal (4402)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
Laos's Export into market World Product's Export into market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Existing Exporters
Belgium 2008 127 184 36,692 3,328,980 62.62
2009 N.A 4 42,338 2,658,410 N.A
2010 N.A 1 31,612 2,790,880 N.A
2011 N.A N.A 38,359 3,172,180 N.A
2012 N.A 1 23,557 2,975,060 N.A
China 2009 93 34,741 17,551 7,255,430 1.11
2010 258 97,602 23,008 11,234,900 1.29
2011 3,593 230,392 44,922 15,857,700 5.51
2012 1,896 234,872 57,816 14,923,300 2.08
2008 183 44,017 14,663 8,023,380 2.27
Japan 2009 1,989 6,052 111,016 8,702,480 25.76
2010 2,512 5,280 112,293 10,432,800 44.20
2011 3,713 8,620 124,249 12,554,500 43.52
2012 7,115 12,014 130,669 11,951,900 54.17
2008 1,322 7,648 97,556 11,182,500 19.81
Republic of Korea 2009 358 1,248 66,710 1,996,890 8.59
2010 685 1,705 70,339 2,307,380 13.18
2011 1,077 2,800 85,289 2,574,750 11.61
2012 3,170 4,131 95,864 2,551,980 20.43
2008 164 1,067 61,991 2,572,650 6.38
Thailand 2010 506 51,010 8,187 587,311 0.71
2011 806 50,682 13,308 651,941 0.78
2012 1,340 61,037 15,256 718,769 1.03
2008 371 63,321 5,843 664,615 0.67
2009 379 56,892 6,985 496,065 0.47
Potential Importer of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: White Charcoal (4402)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
Top importers from the World World Product's Import from market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Potential Importers
China 2008 183 44,017 14,663 8,023,380 2.27
2009 93 34,741 17,551 7,255,430 1.11
2010 258 97,602 23,008 11,234,900 1.29
2011 3,593 230,392 44,922 15,857,700 5.51
2012 1,896 234,872 57,816 14,923,300 2.08
France 2009 N.A 101 41,543 4,294,170 N.A
2010 N.A 3 55,743 4,632,610 N.A
2011 N.A 7 58,221 4,874,800 N.A
2012 N.A 5 49,157 4,337,500 N.A
2008 N.A 16 40,583 5,590,590 N.A
Germany 2009 N.A 14 84,589 7,133,970 N.A
2010 N.A N.A 86,597 8,075,410 N.A
2011 N.A 1 106,127 9,059,730 N.A
2012 N.A 2 113,466 8,459,080 N.A
2008 N.A 8 78,264 6,833,180 N.A
Japan 2009 1,989 6,052 111,016 8,702,480 25.76
2010 2,512 5,280 112,293 10,432,800 44.20
2011 3,713 8,620 124,249 12,554,500 43.52
2012 7,115 12,014 130,669 11,951,900 54.17
2008 1,322 7,648 97,556 11,182,500 19.81
Republic of Korea 2010 685 1,705 70,339 2,307,380 13.18
2011 1,077 2,800 85,289 2,574,750 11.61
2012 3,170 4,131 95,864 2,551,980 20.43
2008 164 1,067 61,991 2,572,650 6.38
2009 358 1,248 66,710 1,996,890 8.59
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