Vietnam >> Trade Intensity Index >> Silk 50
This application gives you a readymade list of top five of the performance of major countries for all the products on importance of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer in the world for the concerned region.

After having identified the major existing markets and the potential ones, the right export market based on TII is to analyze the trends in these countries. For this purpose two kinds of trends have been analyzed (i) trend in exports from GMS country to these markets and (ii) trend in imports from the World into these markets.

When you selected menu/icon of TII of any country and put mouse over each Bar Chart in different colour, it will show the data of product name, year and TII value. In the table below, viewer can see lists of Existing Exporter and Potential Importer on specific product which selected based on top product analysis.
The result shown can be described according to the situation below ;
Situation Exports from GMS country Imports from the World Interpretation
Situation 1 Rising Rising Best combination
Situation 2 Rising Declining Understanding that the import demand in these markets is declining, GMS exporter should consider diversifying from these markets to newer ones.
Situation 3 Declining Rising Understanding that the import demand in these markets is rising, GMS exporter should consider diversifying into these markets.
Situation 4 Declining Declining Worst combination
Check the TII of the top products from Vietnam

Existing Exporter (EEx) of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: Silk (50)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
Vietnam's Export into market World Product's Export into market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Existing Exporters
Cambodia 2008 1,404 46,509 342 1,563,240 137.98
2009 1,090 49,876 698 1,398,690 43.79
2010 2,351 47,210 209 1,914,910 456.27
2011 2,992 85,575 46 2,268,140 1,723.96
2012 3,735 127,974 5,018 2,962,570 17.23
India 2009 1,496 14,914 393,438 3,215,920 0.82
2010 6,033 34,679 372,967 3,914,310 1.83
2011 10,039 49,397 349,073 4,934,160 2.87
2012 7,233 62,066 325,774 5,151,070 1.84
2008 1,120 10,767 373,399 3,583,680 1.00
Italy 2009 5,602 130,426 258,217 23,155,100 3.85
2010 2,647 124,070 330,562 25,799,200 1.67
2011 6,226 139,610 445,536 29,960,200 3.00
2012 11,140 185,736 400,682 24,710,000 3.70
2008 5,355 115,302 429,986 27,825,700 3.01
Japan 2009 13,616 955,818 119,564 31,090,800 3.70
2010 12,052 1,043,890 149,311 149,311 0.01
2011 14,151 1,297,360 184,402 40,938,500 2.42
2012 22,014 1,866,970 179,739 41,502,300 2.72
2008 12,073 821,608 165,756 31,661,500 2.81
Republic of Korea 2010 4,920 493,714 112,154 9,705,770 0.86
2011 6,824 806,868 124,121 12,695,800 0.87
2012 7,133 1,318,790 112,455 11,811,700 0.57
2008 7,283 218,576 143,557 8,745,560 2.03
2009 7,687 322,393 100,572 7,283,180 1.73
Potential Importer of Trade Intensity Index for the Product with Respect to Major Markets: Silk (50)
Unit : US Dollar Thousand
Export Markets
Top importers from the World World Product's Import from market
Export Country Year Product Product (4-digit) Product Product (4-digit) TII
Potential Importers
Hong Kong 2008 28 52,103 261,091 30,092,500 0.06
2009 21 51,813 195,108 24,848,200 0.05
2010 12 56,958 223,769 27,165,000 0.03
2011 13 80,526 159,420 27,335,900 0.03
2012 11 108,783 118,745 25,752,300 0.02
India 2009 393,438 14,914 393,438 3,215,920 215.63
2010 372,967 34,679 372,967 3,914,310 112.87
2011 349,073 49,397 349,073 4,934,160 99.89
2012 325,774 62,066 325,774 5,151,070 82.99
2008 373,399 10,767 373,399 3,583,680 332.84
Italy 2009 258,217 130,426 258,217 23,155,100 177.53
2010 330,562 124,070 330,562 25,799,200 207.94
2011 445,536 139,610 445,536 29,960,200 214.60
2012 400,682 185,736 400,682 24,710,000 133.04
2008 429,986 115,302 429,986 27,825,700 241.33
Japan 2009 119,564 955,818 119,564 31,090,800 32.53
2010 149,311 1,043,890 149,311 32,790,100 31.41
2011 184,402 1,297,360 184,402 40,938,500 31.56
2012 179,739 1,866,970 179,739 41,502,300 22.23
2008 165,756 821,608 165,756 31,661,500 38.54
United States 2010 162,356 5,120,820 162,356 99,882,900 19.51
2011 185,374 6,302,720 185,374 107,979,000 17.13
2012 170,970 7,130,350 170,970 107,632,000 15.09
2008 254,920 4,519,510 254,920 100,509,000 22.24
2009 149,068 5,192,690 149,068 86,739,800 16.70
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